In the gospel reading for 2 August, “Jesus said to the
disciples: ‘The Kingdom of heaven is
like a net thrown into the sea, which collects fish of every kind. When it is full they haul it ashore and sit
down to put what is good into buckets.
What is bad they throw away’.”
This passage has always caused me great consternation. The image which is cast into my mind is: The Kingdom of heaven, the gospel, is a net
which gathers good and bad, just as the fishermen cast their nets which traps
the fish. When I look at myself, I do
not see “good.” Even if I did, I am not
the judge. The gospel is “good news,”
and I did not see news that I envisioned as “good.” On the other hand, the first reading from
Jeremiah I considered “good news,” for it gave comfort, hope. God is the Potter; I am the clay; He will
mold me into what He desires. The passage
truly does give comfort. Unfortunately,
it also leads to presumptuousness. Being
a Protestant at the time, it made it easy when temptations became great. My sins became justifiable almost.
These two passages need to be taken together. God is the Potter; we are the clay. He does mold us, but He does not do it
against our wills, without our efforts.
God determined to save us, but not without creation. The potter utilized the wheel to mold the
clay. God saves mankind utilizing
creation, e.g. Jesus was born of a Virgin, a woman. God molds us through the Catholic Church, His
Word, the Mass, and the Sacraments—by way of the Pope, Bishops, Priests,
Deacons, etc.
Now, in the gospel reading, the Kingdom of heaven is the
Gospel. It does not pull itself so as to
“trap;” it invites, draws, people. It
does not draw people against their wills. Then, when it is full, “they haul it
ashore.” It is at that time that the
“net” is moved. The gospel attracts
those who desire to be saved from their sins, who desire to live holy,
righteous lives, desiring to please who loves us so that He gave His only
begotten Son. It also draws those who
desire to escape hell yet live life “naturally.” It also attracts those who desire to utilize
the Church for their personal gains. God
has given His Son and has given us the Catholic Church overshadowed by the Holy
Spirit. He has given us His Word, the
Pope, the bishops, and priests to give us His Word and administer the
Sacraments. Let us each search ourselves
and determine what it is we desire of Jesus Christ and His Church. Let us ask ourselves what we desire from the
Sacraments. What is it that we seek?
Let us meditate on the Act of Faith. My LORD and God! I most firmly believe “all”
(emphasis added) that Thou hast revealed “and all that Thy holy Church believes and teaches, because Thou,
who art infallible Truth, has so revealed and commanded (emphasis
added). Do we believe this?
Now, think on the Act of Hope. My Lord and God! Because Thou art almighty, infinitely good and
merciful, I hope that by the merits of the passion and death of Jesus Christ,
our Saviour, Thou wilt grant me eternal life, which Thou hast promised “to all
who shall do the works of a good Christian, as I purpose to do by Thy help”
(emphasis added).
Finally, the Act of Charity:
My Lord and God! Because Thou art
the highest and most perfect good, I love Thee with my whole heart, and above
all things; and “rather than offend Thee, I am ready to lose all things else;
and for Thy love, I love and desire to love my neighbor as myself” (emphasis
Is my life for me and all I can achieve, or is it for God?
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