Friday, September 22, 2017

A Golden Nugget in the Informative

Afterward he journeyed from one town and village to another, preaching and proclaiming the good news of the kingdom of God. Accompanying him were the Twelve and some women who had been cured of evil spirits and infirmities, Mary, called Magdalene, from whom seven demons had gone out, Joanna, the wife of Herod’s steward Chuza, Susanna, and many others who provided for them out of their resources.[1]

            When reading this passage, there are probably many people who, like me, would just treat this passage as informative and just keep reading.  However, if we pause and think, we must wonder why the evangelist finds it necessary to include this.  He could have very well omitted it, and there would—in our opinion—no impact upon the Gospel.  Nevertheless, he found it very necessary to include it.
            Of course, it could be as one commentary says: “Men and women enjoy equal dignity in the Church. Within the context of that equality, women certainly have specific characteristics which must necessarily be reflected in their role in the Church: “All the baptized, men and women alike, share equally in the dignity, freedom and responsibility of the children of God.… Women are called to bring to the family, to society and to the Church, characteristics which are their own and which they alone can give—their gentle warmth and untiring generosity, their love for detail, their quick-wittedness and intuition, their simple and deep piety, their constancy.… A woman’s femininity is genuine only if she is aware of the beauty of this contribution for which there is no substitute—and if she incorporates it into her own life (St Josemaría Escrivá, Conversations, 14 and 87).  The Gospel makes special reference to the generosity of these women.  It is nice to know that our Lord availed himself of their charity, and that they responded to him with such refined and generous detachment that Christian women feel filled with a holy and fruitful envy (cf. St J. Escrivá, The Way, 981).”[2]  However, that does not have much an impact upon me, although it is true.  This is not going to change my life nor encourage me.  It is not a “golden nugget.”
            In his meditation for 22 September, Pope Benedict says: “Go therefore and make disciples of all nations …” (Mt 28:19).  But the dynamism of this mission, this openness and breadth of the Gospel, cannot be revised to read: ‘Go into the world and become the world yourselves!  Go into the world and confirm it in its secularity!’  The opposite is true.  The holy mystery of God, the mustard seed of the Gospel, cannot be identified with the world but is rather destined to permeate the whole world.  That is why we must find again the courage to embrace what is sacred, the courage to distinguish what is Christian—not in order to segregate it, but in order to transform it—the courage to be truly dynamic.”[3]  This is what our passage is all about.  St. Theophylact of Ohrid says our passage is not about teaching or preaching but to be instructed by Christ,[4] which we receive from the Church.
            Let us accompany Jesus in his Catholic Church; let us follow his teachings as he instructs us through his Church.  He is still visible in the Catholic Church.  When the secular media speaks on things Christian, they almost invariably go to the Catholic Church.  It is here that Jesus is seen.  It is for this reason that the Catholic Church is attacked.  They hated Jesus; therefore, they hate his Body.  Let us, therefor, accompany him in the Church, allowing the Holy Spirit to utilize our every obedience to permeate the world.  We cannot do this if we become the world ourselves, nor can we do this through hatred and attacks.  We must be as the Church instructs us.  We must become Susanna--an illustrious woman who, healed by Christ, had become His disciple.  Venerable Bede tells us “her name in the Hebrew signifies ‘a lily,’ on account of the sweet radiance of a heavenly life (Interlinear Gloss), and the golden fervor of her inward affection.”[5]  We become like Susanna when we first become like Mary Magdalene and Joanna.
            “Mary is, by interpretation, ‘bitter sea,’ because of the loud wailing of her penitence; Magdalene, ‘a tower or, rather, belonging to a tower,’ from the tower of which it is said, ‘You are become my hope, my strong tower from the face of my enemy.’  Joanna is, by interpretation, ‘the Lord her grace,’ or ‘the merciful Lord,’ for from Him comes everything that we dive upon.  If Mary, cleansed from the corruption of her sins, points to the Church of the Gentiles, why does not Joanna represent the same Church formerly subject to the worship of idols--for every evil spirit, while he acts for the devil’s kingdom, is as it were Herod’s steward.”[6]
            Of a side note: Of course, the name “Mary” brings to mind our Blessed Mother.  “Mary” is an extremely appropriate name for her.  “Bitter sea” can also mean “bitter tears.”  Do not our hearts break when we see that they will not heed good advice and venture into things we know are not good for them?  This is also true for the Virgin Mary.  Oh, how many “bitter tears” do she shed when she sees our sins?  She is, as we know, our Lady of Seven Sorrows.
            In the Hebrew, Magdalene signifies “turreted or tower-bearing,” for she was tall of stature and of a yet loftier mind.  "Your neck is like the tower of David" (Cant.4:4).  Origen says “Magdalene” means "magnificent" or "magnified" because, says Origen, she followed Jesus, ministered unto Him, and beheld the mystery of His Passion.  Pagninus says that Magdalene means "remarkable for the standard," "bearing or raising the standard," for the Magdalene raised the standard of penitence and love and of the contemplative life, e.g. "His banner over me was love" (Cant. 2:4).  Also, the name means "brought up, nourished," i.e. led by the teaching of Christ to a holy and a virtuous life.[7]
            This is Mary Magdalene, “out of whom seven devils are reported to have gone, that it might be shown that she was full of all vices.,[8] or “out of whom went seven devils, i.e. seven capital sins--pride, avarice, gluttony, luxury, anger, envy, and careless living (Bede, Theophylact, and St. Gregory).”[9]  We also need these capital sins removed from us, that we may permeate the world as these women did.  “These women followed Christ (1) out of gratitude, because He had healed their diseases and cast out the devils which possessed them, (2) for safety, lest, if they were away from their physician, their former ills might again overtake them, and (3) from pious motives, that from His companionship and preaching they might advance in holiness.”[10]
            If we keep all this in mind, we can find, in the “informative,” a golden nugget, and permeate the world as Christ desires us to.

[1] New American Bible, Revised Edition., (Washington, DC: The United States Conference of Catholic Bishops, 2011), Lk 8:1–3.
[2] Saint Luke’s Gospel, The Navarre Bible, (Dublin; New York: Four Courts Press; Scepter Publishers, 2005), 89.
[3] Joseph Ratzinger, Co-Workers of the Truth: Meditations for Every Day of the Year, ed. Irene Grassl, (San Francisco: Ignatius Press, 1992), 303.
[4] Aquinas, St. Thomas. Catena Aurea - Gospel of St. Luke - EasyRead Version (Kindle Locations 4258-4259). Kindle Edition.
[5] A Lapide SJ, Cornelius. The Great Commentary of Cornelius A Lapide: The Gospel of St. Luke (Kindle Locations 4446-4448). Veritatis Splendor Publications. Kindle Edition.
[6] Ibid., (Kindle Locations 4271-4277). Kindle Edition.
[7] Ibid., (Kindle Locations 4422-4430). Veritatis Splendor Publications. Kindle Edition.
[8] Aquinas, St. Thomas. Catena Aurea - Gospel of St. Luke - EasyRead Version (Kindle Locations 4263-4264). Kindle Edition.
[9] A Lapide SJ, Cornelius. The Great Commentary of Cornelius A Lapide: The Gospel of St. Luke (Kindle Locations 4431-4434). Veritatis Splendor Publications. Kindle Edition.
[10] Ibid., (Kindle Locations 4408-4411). Veritatis Splendor Publications. Kindle Edition.

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